

If you use the free version of Easierteamworks Project Manager, you will never be charged. However you can upgrade your account at any time.

You can also select a 30-day trial version when you sign up for any of the paid accounts. If you cancel within this 30 day trial, you will not be charged. We do not ask for payment details to start a 30 day trial.

When your 30 day free trial period expires, you will be asked to create a paid subscription to continue using the paid service. You will be charged monthly approximately 30 days from the date you make the first payment.

If you decide not to continue on the plan you picked for your 30 day trial, your account will automatically be downgraded to the free account which you can use forever without charge.

To cancel your subscription on a paid plan, you must cancel your Paypal Subscription from with-in Paypal. You can cancel your account at any time simply by logging in, going to the Subscription page and clicking the "Cancel my account" link. We will refund based on the actual number of days until your scheduled monthly payment date.

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EasierTeamworks is dedicated to continually improve and enhance functionality and user experience. This is done through constant communication with our users and feedback via email, online chat, and social media channels. All feedback is collected and consolidated and has a major impact on our product orientation.

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